Maximise your outdoor space
Popping a picnic table out there and thinking job done? Think bigger about your small space for enormous benefits.
Posted on Friday, July 22, 2022

Nothing wrong with a picnic table on a rectangle of grass and a BBQ to the side, but with a little thought, much more can be done to max out the space. Here in east London, many of us share our gardens or have minimal square footage, so we need to be more creative in making the most of what we have.
Boosting outdoor space is good for our mental health and helps us build healthy lifestyle routines like spending more time in green space and growing seasonal veg.
Whether you’ve a courtyard, shared space, landing strip or shady yard. We’ve got some ideas on how to approach the question of how to create more space. And it all starts with you.
1) Consider your basic needs
What do you want to do in your garden? Sit? Grow flowers? Play? Entertain friends? Store stuff? Knowing this gives you a game plan. Your garden above all else, has to work around you. Also, consider, are you a morning coffee in the garden person? Or do you love a glass of something cool when you come in from work?
2) Here comes the sun
Often when people buy a new property, they spend up to a year learning where the light falls in their new garden. It’s tempting to dive straight into design features but until you know where the light falls throughout the day, you won’t know where to put anything. Let the light inform everything.
3) Make yourself comfortable
Once you know your garden better, a seating area can be created simply, in the right spot with a couple of chairs, a bench, or some cushions. No need to think of anything as a ‘main area’. Create multiple areas so you have options throughout the day. And before you commit to furniture, consider some multi-function pieces such as foot stools which can double up as coffee tables, or benches with hidden storage.
4) Keep it simple
Particularly if you have a small space. Stick to a basic design, then add some wow factors to create interest and diversify the space. A trailing evergreen here? A light source there, some trickling water to help you focus? These are the elements that will encourage you out there and enhance whatever you like to do in your garden.
5) All hail the shade
With the temperatures in Blighty reaching scorchio this week, it’s definitely time to love up your shady areas. Trim back trees to make sure you’re getting the foliage without a lot of green clutter underneath. This alone, could earn you a second seating area. And light the shade with mirrors and twinkly lights.
6) The only way is up
A common mistake people make is to put small items in a small garden so as not to ‘overwhelm the space’. We’d urge you to be bolder. Putting a large structure such as a pergola in a small garden can totally amplify the scale, and create a magical effect for dining. And another idea is vertical gardens and growing walls, which will give you all the lush greenery without taking up valuable space. Acting also as a stunning backdrop for lighting.
Get outside, create good vibes and add value to your property. You can create a big space in a small garden and even the dreariest corner can be given a purpose and made beautiful.
What have you done with your garden? We’d love to see your ideas. Send us a pic!
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